
Complimentary Samples

Trial Sizes

We’ll automatically add your complimentary sample to your basket. Due to high demand we unfortunately can’t guarantee what sample you’ll receive, but you can be sure it will be different to the product you’re ordering, or any past orders you’ve made – so you’ll always get to try something new.

Our sample range includes ABBEY, STOWE, BRICKYARD, BECKETTS, ARNAGE, HANGAR, CLUB, BROOKLANDS, BECKETTS – the top selling products from our ranges. All our samples come in our special 5ml or 8ml branded sachets.

You can also view our product videos here. Feedback from customers lead us to develop a page where you can also see how our products are used and the end result, which is particularly helpful for styling products and an extra way to help decide if they look the right fit for you.

We hope you enjoy your complimentary sample from GRAHAM HILL and it helps you on a successful search for the best in new male grooming products. Don’t forget to subscribe to The Clubhouse for future news and offers.


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